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Tell Your Truth

This song is inspired by my experiences in struggling to share the full extent of my views when talking about sensitive subjects like politics and religion with good friends and family members. Moderating one's views in conversation in order to prevent controversy and hide aspects of your views you think the person you are talking to may not like can be a skill in having civil, pleasant, engaging, and insightful conversations. However, this moderation can prevent one from adequately challenging ideas that one disagrees with or thinks are harmful and fulfilling the natural human desire for self-expression. This song is a call, a plea to myself to be more open in sharing my opinions, with the verses being frank admissions and the choruses being questions that are simple and golden yet pressure-filled, as the opportunities to share one's views can often be quite fleeting. The bridge reassures me to answer with the confident bravery of the final chorus.

“Tell Your Truth”

You gotta get up

You can’t go down

You gotta tell your truth when they challenge your ground

You gotta stand tall

You can’t lay down low

You gotta tell them all that you’ve got something to show

The chance

Has come

Will you take it?

Will you take it?

You gotta hold firm

You can’t retreat

You gotta stay strong in the face of defeat

Because when others’ ideas

Tense your nerves

You gotta step in, love must be served

The chance

Has come

Will you take it?

Will you take it?

You make a mistake

It doesn’t come out right

Just apologize, stay strong with your might

You’ve hit a wall

You’re crying out loud

You should reveal your resolve, unfurl your shroud

I will get up

I won’t go down

I will tell my truth when they challenge my ground

I will stand tall

I won’t lay down low

I will tell them all that I’ve got something to show!


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