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Something is Bound to Break

Although I feel ever-so grateful and fortunate to have my health, a supportive community of family and friends, and a good living situation in this difficult past year, I have felt uneasily and tensely stagnant. It feels as though I have been in a rough spot, and even though I have done so much to help myself (and have been helped so much by others) in the past few months, I still haven't fully broken out of this spot. I know this is okay, as this has been a hard time for a great many people and just getting by is an achievement. Nevertheless, I want to be a more motivated and motivating, careful and caring person, while simultaneously balancing achievement and connection with rest and relaxation.

I recently wrote these lyrics for a song with confessional, and eventually inspirational, verses, and a soaring, impactful chorus which changes each time it comes around.

“Something is Bound to Break”

Sitting alone in my room I swear I’ll release my fumes But truthfully all I want to do is zoom past the moon I turn the video on Oh I want these thoughts gone But all it does is remind me of all that’s wrong

Something is bound to break (Something is bound to break) This stubborn Earth is bound to shake (Well it’s bound to quake)

I go, get out of bed Wash up and clear my head I’m feeling better but there’s a lingering dread I say hi to people near But there’s a haunting fear That I won’t much longer be able to keep up this cheer

Something is bound to break (Something is bound to break) How I yearn not to fake (These tough choices that I make)

I finally go outside See places, go for a ride I thought “I don’t want more” but that’s a lie Both society and I are in A crazy whirling spin

And it would be lucky if one of us came out with a win

Something is bound to break (Something is bound to break) Before we’re all covered in a muddy lake (Bitten by our own snake)

Then someone special passes by We reminisce, love, and cry And I realize that all we can do is try Aim higher every day But don’t give in if it’s a rocky way Make great plans with your friends and say

Something is bound to break (Something is bound to break) These golden chances we will take (We’ll do our best to heal the ache)

As 2021 begins, I am so thankful to have so many good people in my life, and I believe and hope that all of us can take steps to turn the troubles in our lives and the lives of people we are close to around, while chipping in when we can in to help the wider world heal. I also hope that we can continue the things that are going well, and the resilience that has helped us through thus far.


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