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Praying to the

Praying to the

Verse 1:

I walk through all these solemn days

At least that’s what’s aesthetically conveyed

I walk to my church, the preacher says

The talk from the news that makes me afraid

It’s all this year’s signature left-wing traits

Power corrupts our leaders, greed is bait

Parishoner’s nods show approval, top rate

I forget I came to open spiritual gates

Pre-Chorus 1:

The dissonance builts in my heart

I sit back, take a breath, hug my mom, restart

Chorus 1:

So when we’re praying to the left, good feelings grow?

And when we’re praying to the right, good feelings subside?

How about we pray, we center, our love so tender

To a universal force politics can’t contend with?

Isn’t our God the great amender?

Verse 2:

I walk through all these solemn days

Yeah that’s what’s aesthetically conveyed

I walk to my class, the professor says

The talk from that site angrily made

Language from a reading’s even worse

Not far from a call to violence’s curse

Classmates’ nods show ideology rehearsed

I forget, about new paths, to converse

Pre-Chorus 2:

The dissonance builts in my heart

I sit back, take a break, laugh with a friend, restart

Chorus 2:

So when we’re learning to the left, good feelings grow?

And when we’re learning to the right, good feelings subside?

How about we learn, we center, our minds defenders

Of complex viewpoints politics can’t content with?

Aren’t our brains restorative vendors?


I know that, I know that

That there are problems far and near

I know that, I know that

Run of the mill ain’t where we got to steer

I know that, I know that

Hard feelings are natural to sensitive seers

But I know that, I know that, I know THAT…

Chorus 3:

When we’re praying to the left, bad feelings can grow

And when we’re learning to the right, good feelings can rise

We must live, centering, our hearts entering

A full spirit of grace ready to mend with

Let’s walk through these days with light unturning

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