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I’m excited enough to care about people and peace,

But I’m not excited enough to commit carefree

I’m discouraged enough to take a break

But I’m not discouraged enough to quit

I’m an athlete who has it easy with new players

But I’m an athlete who struggles in the big leagues

I’m a fan who’s glued to the game

But I’m not a fan who complains after the result

I’m a musician who’s ready to take the solo

But I’m a musician who struggles with fine-tuning

I’m a musician who can spend an hour practicing one song

But I’m a musician who’d rather listen to alt-pop

I’m religious enough to feel awkward when the word “atheist” is spoken

But I’m not religious enough to feel fully comfortable in public displays of religion

I’m spiritual enough to believe in connectedness, a universal God

But I’m not spiritual enough to avoid rolling my eyes at astrology

I’m capitalist enough to smile at stories of entrepreneurship, innovation, small business

But I’m not capitalist enough to entrust human development to the free market

I’m socialist enough to believe that everyone should be provided what they need

But I’m not socialist enough to perpetuate the class struggle

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