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Caught on the outside of the fire

Of entrenched dueling dogmas of dire

We’re stuck in society’s mire

Struggling in letting our personal identities soar higher

I admit I come from a limiting place

Chambers of establishment white liberal thought

Even my online communities aren’t an about face

Democrats’ memos are always sought

It’s not that with where I’m from I entirely disagree

But from static ideas young minds break free

In the cracks of watching and living glimmers of difference appear

Breaking dualistic stereotypes, the time of vivid complexity is near

To the holders of the overlooked identities and outlooks I speak

Don’t ever let people say they are mutually exclusive, impossible

They’re just your expressions unique

LGBT Christians, black Republicans, voters of conscience, have time to shine

Consistent life ethic backers, rural liberal boomers, you’re free to dine

Centrist progressives, doubting believers rise up

Indigenous entrepreneurs, non-interventionist veterans, fill your cup

Pro-nuclear environmentalists, human progress narrators, wide-searching journalists, state your case

Pacifist socialists, minority police officers, speak with grace

Sustainable foresters, local reformists, let your ideas grow

Patriotic radicals, challengers using convention, to debates you may go

It’s not that with all these views I confer

But they’re refreshing, many a challenging offer

One day I will interview, travel, ethnographically live

To the world your needed essences I will give

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