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"On Communication"

Language limits labors of love,

-Isms ignite impassioned irritations,

Buzzwords beckon bitter bemoanings,

Generalized groupthinking gains ground.

Let's look past words

To focus on ideas:

Underlying reasons, contexts

Need to come to the surface.

If people have different verbal focusses,

But similar end goals, values,

Then looking past the terms

Leads to creative compromises.

If end results differ,

Values are awry,

Dialogue should deepen.

Acceptance in listening,

Imagining another's situation

Can open minds to moving forward.

If disagreements still abound, all good,

As thinkers remain engaged, emboldened.

When dearly-held ethics are viciously assaulted, ignoring dialogue,

Peaceful, poignant persuasion is best practice.

“Militance” signals offensive violence,

It's embrace entrenches hatreds, denial.

Capitalist corporations circulate catastrophic crookedness,

Socialist solons shame the self-determined, steal savings.

One man, an innovator

Who builds a business making clean refrigerators:

Perseverance, skill, and connections used well.

To him, with economic freedom all is swell.

One man, works long shifts every day

Binding, toiling, stacking up hay.

A college grad, this was not meant to be:

A fair share, is what he needs to see.

They meet, want each other to succeed:

Shaming is not their creed.

They share unique experiences, backgrounds:

Words aren't used to beat the other down:

Understanding flowers,

Concessions actually empower:

The innovator realizes his system can leave people behind.

The college grad sees his ideas may limit innovative finds.

Together they, empathetic human beings,

Take an economic viewpoint often unseen

Of cooperative business, regulated markets, help that provides opportunity.

If you don't concur, proceed with idea-based dialogue of unity.

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