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"All of This"

All of this banter

It's got no mantra

And it's spreadin' rapid

Commonly vapid

Look, I know we got issues

Tragedies hand out tissues

But the best way to respond

Is to come together as one

Ideological barricades

Are causing ceaseless tirades

Look at what happens when these gates are opened

They should be bent and looked around not broken

Look, I know we got problems

Current leaders not solvin' a lot of them

And pop figures go along

It's the media humdrum

New ideas should be celebrated

Two sides is overrated

“But yet you must toss those ideas and conform

To beat the massive evil form”

All of this chatter

About how we really don't matter

It's scatterin' rapid

And it's honestly vapid

Look, the world is changin'

Environments rearrangin'

Humans have shaped many spaces

Into current and future dangers

But now we are of high intelligence

Problems allow us to use our sense

How would it be better with us gone?

Shaping things for the better, why's that wrong?

Look, people say a cool future ain't happenin'

Because right-wing despots are mappin' it

They've retreated to “optimistic nihilism”

Making lives of thrill-seeking hedonism

Seeking enjoyment is a welcome tactic

But I find this viewpoint problematic

It's becoming popular among the youth

Reckless, fruitless partying is running loose

All of this modern discourse

I feel it's off-course

A new point of view is needed

People are bein' mistreated

Look, we got to seek comfort for everyone

While letting ourselves shine like the sun

We've all been gifted with minds

Agreeable solutions we can find

Balance in discussions is a must

As progress is built on trust

We must realize that different opinion-rays

Can be valid and useful in varying ways

Look, some discussion boundaries can't be crossed

With prejudice and anger all is lost

But dialogue is needed, chances must be given

How else are advances made on Earth, in heaven?

We must talk before we can call “another side”

Fallen ones who to the future shouldn't get a ride

Once we reach out, dissuade ugly motivations

I'm sure we can look forward to brighter situations

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