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"Tower of Dreams"

Tower of Dreams

I aspire

To climb higher and higher

And reach the top of the spire

Of my tower of dreams in this world on fire

I will continue to fill my head

With facts and info that make me think in bed

About this beautiful and immense and flawed Earth

And this strange cycle of life and death and rebirth

Maps, great monuments, and memories of old

Show me the past's gift of present situations

While new mammoths, megastructures, minds so bold

Are promised in a great future for me and all the nations

I will put my knowledge to good use

But my reach cannot be overwhelming and obtuse

I must find specific passions

In fields that suit my brain's fashions

Bringing positivity and hope when bad news sells more

I will show others the diverse revitalizers of society

Bringing action to a political world that's a bore

I will focus on preserving nature and democracy

Always staying true to my roots

I'll care for my family

I'll give to charities

Always saving time for my youth

We'll laugh, yeah my friends and me

Circling the world, an Epiphany

I will strive for unity

Helping others realize our innate similarity

For common ground I will cast my lot

Despite people's differing beliefs about what should be taught

But I shall embrace my diverse self

And will never put my identity on the shelf

On my tower I am a creative, change-making human being

And for my dreams these words are ever, ever freeing

The message of the poem: I aspire to follow my dreams for myself and the world because they are an expression of individuality that gives me fulfillment and makes a difference in the world. My goal to continue learning in college and beyond is drawn from my will to remain a well-rounded and well-informed world citizen. My goal of finding specific areas to take action stems from the trend of influencial voices in the world promoting an overwhelming overall picture that sparks my anxiety. So many individuals and organizations are doing wonderful good in the world today, but much media has become obsessed with tragic occurences and political miscues. I have a goal of countering this media by supporting change-makers and sharing their work with others. I am interested in advocating for the environment because I feel at home spiritually and at ease emotionally when surrounded by rushing water, formidable trees, and/or majestic animals. I am interested in promoting democracy because it is a just and popular medium by which civil discussions of differing views can be facilitated. I hope to share great times with my family while also being there for them during hard times. Giving of aid to those in need who are strangers to me is another goal of mine. I hope to pursue a career in geography that involves much travel, but I also want to maintain many personal connections I have and will foster. I aspire to work for reconcilliation among people because only when people learn about each other and unite can societal change occur without sparking derision among those who feel ignored or left behind. I aspire to have a self-confident, driven, and hopeful mindset because it will help lead to a positive future for myself, my communities, and the world.

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