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A Compilation of Climate Change Bills Being Considered by the Massachusetts Legislature

Although I believe the USA's federal government has taken steps in the wrong direction regarding climate change over the past year that seemingly will not be reversed until new leadership in voted into office, there is much promising climate legislation being proposed in my state of Massachusetts. Here, I have compiled a list of this legislation, with links to the bills and my reasons for supporting them. I am including this list in a letter I will soon send to the legislature of my state, and if you are a Massachusetts resident who shares my aim of climate action, I encourage you to call or write to your legislators in supporting the passage of this legislation.

Here are links to the contact info of Massachusetts state representatives and congresspeople:

Here's the list of bills:

Although passing many of these other bills will help the Commonwealth meet the goals of the Paris Agreement, passing this bill would be a true pledge of a Massachusetts government that truly cares about its membership in the US Climate Alliance, its stewardship towards and comradeship with the international community, and its effort to take specific and meaningful action to protect current and future citizens and wildlife. After the passage of this bill, Massachusetts would do its fair share of keeping the average overall warming of the world from rising over 1.5 degrees Celcius from pre-industrial levels.

This proposal is a potential first step for the Commonwealth in pressuring fossil fuel companies because it mandates that Massachusetts will no longer be willing to financially support their activities that harm the environment. Although I would prefer that investment in all fossil fuels in halted sooner rather than later, it is a good idea to start divesting now from companies affiliated with coal, the worst polluter of the fossil fuels. This bill is also fair to state employees and public school teachers by making sure that their pension funds will not be significantly decreased by this action. /

This bill is an innovative idea about how residents can, by their own choice, support the less developed nations that are most vulnerable to climate change. /

The first bill is a good idea because its passage would lead to more accountability in the process of meeting the emissions standards set by the Global Warming Solutions Act. However, the second bill is even better, as it makes these standards even more stringent in order to lessen the overall effect that Massachusetts will have on our warming climate in this century. I also applaud how bill 1392 has provisions that ensure transparency, timeliness and accountability, the formation of a council with voices from various parts of government and society in the Commonwealth, a prominent role for education in the process of reaching 100% clean energy, concern for those in low-income neighborhoods who may need help in affording clean energy and who may be greatly benefitted by getting jobs in the renewable-energy industry, concern for those currently working in the fossil fuel industry who will need new jobs as the transition takes away their old ones, and concern for the fact that the transition should go along with economic growth. These last two points are especially important, as they can help ease the concerns of those who are generally against climate action and therefore help unite, not divide, in these times of rampant and destructive political division.

This bill is just as important as the last two, as Massachusetts will be affected by climate change through extreme weather events such as rainstorms and flooding as well as sea level rise and other threatening forms of environmental change. As a citizen of an oceanside community, I am especially worried about the risk of sea level rise and hope that improvements in infrastructure and personal preparedness can minimize its impact .

This proposal aims to directly address transportation in the Commonwealth, one of the most commonly-known ways we contribute to climate change. Setting official standards for the fuel efficiency of transport vehicles is a great way to remove the worst polluters from our streets and challenge manufacturing and transport corporations to be better stewards of the environment. For these standards to be highly effective, however, subsidies should be given to low-income families so they can afford green cars or public transport.

This new and comprehensive bill combines some of the best ideas from other bills, such as affirming the commitment to the Paris Agreement, committing to 100% renewable energy, divesting from fossil fuel companies, promoting clean transport, and taking action against sea level rise. In addition, it does even more by measures that promote innovative solar energy and energy storage systems and place a moratorium on fracking, which is natural gas-producing and otherwise risky. This bill is the bold and large-scale statement of action that I hope passes more than any of the others noted..

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