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Mistakes: Chapters 7 and 8

Chapter 7


Danny woke up, hearing a loud ruckus downstairs, and he figured that it must be morning. When he opened his eyes, the sun blinded him using the large window. He decided that this was a better wake-up mechanism than his dad screaming at him like a drill sergeant. When he got down, there were presents in the hands of all three people he met at the institute. He chowed down on too many of the delicious mini-pancakes that were being served. He waited to open the presents as he wondered what they might be. He had always been disappointed with his presents on the mainland, as they were what he wanted, but aways had to do with how the UAPA was so great. It wasn't that he disliked the UAPA then, but he got tired of the repetition of the same messages in anything he got. They were cool when they featured his parents, though, especially in video games.

The first present was in a huge box from Mrs. Gonsales, and Danny hoped that it was a TV or game system. However, it was not even a present to Danny, as it was filled with toiletries, clothes, and other essentials. He knew that these things were important for living and stuff, but he never was given these types of things as a present from his parents. He did realize that there would be little money for electronic devices on the island, so he didn't get that mad. He was presently surprised when at the bottom of the box he found exactly what he wanted, a survival kit! It had everything he wanted, including a pocketknife, water purifying equipment, matches, and a first aid kit. He also received a backpack and water bottle. He ran up to Mrs. Gonsales and gave her a big hug, while stating joyously: “That survival kit was exactly what I wanted! Its like you read my mind.”

“Thanks!,” replied Mrs. Gonsales, “Every young man should have a chance to have great expeditions outdoors. There are a lot of wooded areas in the middle of the island, but I'll have to tell you where to go because there are some dangerous areas in them.”

“I'll listen carefully,” Danny nervously said, “I want to have a good time here, but I want to survive here while avoiding evil people”.

“Don't be so worried. There will be a lot of people looking out for you,” said Mrs. Gonsales with care.

The second gift was a small item from Lily. Before Danny opened it, Lily quietly spoke: “I want you to learn more about me and about the tough situations of advancers.”

Danny nodded in recognition and slowly opened the present. It was a scrapbook full of photographs. Danny looked through the book, and the truth of what the people at the institute were telling him sunk in. There were pictures of malformed houses three times smaller than the institute, swarms of people sitting on the side of the road with signs asking for food and money, and dirty workers in a line using robots to make game consoles. Danny had lived in a mansion, he had everything he wanted, and used game consoles. He realized that him and Lily came from equally bad but very different worlds, and he now knew why his mom would worker Lily's mom. His mom was “superior in class”, as Mrs. Gonsales had said to him the past day, to hers.

In the pictures of Lily and her family, Danny saw hard work that had not payed off in much. They were filthy, their faces showed pure tiredness, and they had no fancy goods. Lily's mother worked at a manufacturing center that made nano computer chips, and yet the family had no nano technology. Danny saw no father in the pictures, and he asked about him.

“He had to leave before my brother was born. I don't have any pictures of him because my mom had to burn them all. I guess that he was workered for escaping after awhile, but I don't know where he lived. He worked in an aircar factory when he was with us, and he and his coworkers were protesting bad working conditions. Six workers in his shift died because of faulty equipment. He was on the UAPA's wanted list. Now with my mom gone I'm...” She burst into tears and the other three in the room consoled her. Injustice seemed to be common in Lily's world, and the transformation of views about the UAPA continued in Danny's mind. Danny wanted to know where Lily's brother was, but he understood that it was not the right time to ask. He couldn't stand seeing her so upset.

After Lily regained her composure, Don handed Danny another huge box. Don cheerily stated: “You'll definitely think of this as a present. You need to have some fun here, it's not usually a scary place like you were told!”.

Danny opened the box and jumped with pure joy when he saw its contents. He could play sports now! He had been banned from them at school because he was a mistake and didn't have enough “bodily skill”. He only knew of them from his dad showing them to him on TV when he was behaving well. He had dreamed of racing down the field, diving to catch the winning touchdown, scoring the goal that cemented his team's victory, and gloriously raising championship trophies. Now this could be reality with his bats, balls, and field-making equipment. He didn't know which sport he should play first. He gave Don a high-five full while feeling pure joy. “Thank you,” Danny merrily cheered.

Don replied: “You're welcome! And its even better than you though, because there are hundreds of kids in New Hope which you can play with in pick-up games or leagues, who love sports as much as you. I'll connect you with some great coaches and trainers as well. It's always amazing to make the day of a great kid like you!”.

Danny realized that he had started to find a new home on the Island, with loving people who actually care for him. He might not have to continually fight for his survival on it!

Chapter 8

A Plan

Mrs. Gonsales cooked hamburgers while Don told his thoughts to the two teenagers. In talking, Danny learned that Don had just arrived two weeks ago as punishment for being the friend of someone who protested the UAPA. He was lucky to have the job of being an elementary school gym teacher for advancer kids, in which he didn't have to work tirelessly. He sadly could not allow kids to do anything but run and play simple, structured, and government-approved games, but he tried his best to make his students happy. Don was horrified by the cruel practice of workering that affected his life so closely. His friend, another gym teacher who he did not mention the name of, was workered in front of him when they were arrested, and he saw the weirdness of his consciousness dying without his body doing the same. In the process, the workering squad removed the parts of his brain that were in charge of higher thought, and replaced them with AI. The real process of workering was so different than what Danny had thought it to be. He was taught that workers were told what to do by the leader officials after therapy, and did it because they were dumb. He realized that therapy might not be what he thought it was.

Don explained that he decided to work at the institute because he wanted indoctrinated people to see the realities of the world, but also because he had a talent of spreading positivity to other people in tough situations. He was fairly well-off for an advancer, but through talking with his students he understood the grave reality that the world was in under FEAR. He then stated that he knew that the world had to change, and that he had decided the very minute that he was arrested that he would be the one to ignite the fire of it. His goal was, after learning about the Island at the institute and forming his plans for a month, was to rally up a force on the Island that would try to secretly make connections between islands. He did not know the details yet, but he clearly stated that history needed to be changed quickly so the injustice of FEAR could be stopped. Discussions between groups that are against FEAR on the islands would be the first step in forming a resistance. Danny had learned that because the islands were prisons for people who didn't belong in society, no one could travel between them without being caught and workered.

When Don finished his thoughts, Lily took a deep breath and told him: “Wow, what you're planning could be huge, but it would be really, really dangerous. But you know what, I don't care...”

Her voice grew louder and more determined as she continued: “...because I don't want young people like me to cry over the losses of there parents. I don't care because I don't want people's brains to be removed because they are mad about how they have friends who are chopped in half randomly by seemingly advanced technology. I don't care because I don't want nice kids like Danny to believe that a society who allows these heinous actions is not just good but perfect. And I will help you in your plans and will join your resistance, Don, because it's the right and brave thing to do!”.

Don had tears in his eyes as Mrs. Gonsales clapped and remarked: “Lily is one bright young woman, that's for sure. I couldn't have said her points any better, and I will also support you, although I have to focus on the institute. Also, lunch is ready!”. She ran over to give Lily a loving bear hug.

Danny now believed the perspective that the kind people at the institute gave him, but he was unsure if he was ready to completely support them. After a pause in the conversation to get the food, Danny gained the courage to say, “I wish you all the luck in your plans, Don, and you're an amazing guy. But I don't know if I want to get involved. I'm new here and just want to fit, and being involved in matters like these aren't what I want to get into at the moment.”

“That's perfectly fine, Danny,” replied Don as he smiled at the mistake, “I know that you are in a tough position and just want to relax for awhile. I'll make sure your next few days are a blast! We are just in different positions in our lives.”

Danny then expressed, “There's one thing I'd like you to try to do, however. If you can safely, I want you to learn about my friends Ronny and Nina. They are at the Portland and Burlington District Housing Islands, respectively, and I would do anything to see them again.”

Don took a deep breath and remarked, “I'll do what I can to help you, but don't keep your hopes up. It will be hard to find your friends safely now. However, once the resistance is formed, I'm sure you guys will see each other again.” Danny nodded in understanding and Don continued, “Do you want to play some soccer now to get all of this off your mind? I know it's been hard on you.”

Mrs. Gonsales picked up the plates, cups and silverware as Danny replied in complete excitement, “Why would I not?”.


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