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The World Today

This is a slam poem I wrote that describes the current situation of the world and how we should stay hopeful even in the craziness!

Watching, wondering how the world is,

while not acting,

can be hard/

and painful.

Tragedy is now synonymous/

with the news/

and its message of fear /

dulls our hearts.


train derailments,


terrible laws,


and a totalitarian's atrocities/

cause all the tallies/

of casualties and fatalities.

And yet,

none of this/

affects your life.

You go through your motions,

your activities,

and the times of your life with family and friends.

Your life is the same/

as ever.

But guilt swells your mind,

as you think and think and think more,

that you need to fix everything.

You burst out in anger,

as you think about how many people/

are complete idiots,

are brainwashed,

or have no care to do anything.

You doubt if the everyday things matter anymore.

You want to drop all troubles in your silly, crazy, life,

as excruciating as they can be,

as people are dying,

and you are doing nothing.

You want to leave your privileged life/

and fix people.

You need act to end all of the world's messes now, or else...

You continue to know/

what's right and what's wrong.

You advocate,


and accomplish/

all that you can/

that you know will help move the world forward/

on your minute role/

in the human experience.

The world today/

is full of atrocious actions,

and there is no denying that sad fact.

But anger does no good,

while love is the answer.

You have to accept but still reject,

views on the opposing side.

You need to respect other human beings as they have feelings just like you.

And you always need to believe that change is on the horizon.

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