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Mistakes (A Story I'm Writing): Chapters 1-4

Chapter 1

The Revealing

“We are mistakes, accidents, we were never meant to be. We understand our place in society, we are grateful for being educated by our kind government, and we accept that we will go to the Island when we turn fifteen. Our schooling will end or we will face termination or workering”. Danny said his normal, regular, everyday oath with his mistake comrades in his class grouping.

“I am a mistake” he said to himself. He knew this was true, there were hundreds of studies that supported this fact. The doctors had messed up his parents' genes and he came out of his mother's womb when someone else was supposed to.

However, it had always been hard for fourteen year-old Danny McBride to realize that he was not meant to exist. He had always been treated in a way that almost resembled love by his parents. His mother was, in fact, the richest and most beautiful celeb, and his father was the head (and the richest) leader of their perfect society.

“It must be all an illusion” he said to himself. How can anyone care for me while knowing that I'm a worthless piece of trash. He had been spoiled with lots of E-books, web shows, and video games for his entire life. They all had the message of how in 2016, the charismatic future leaders of the UAPA (the United Advanced Peoples of America, his great home country) sorted the dust of an advancer “revolution” in the United States of America to create a perfect country. Some of the media also explained the new technology of the world, including genetic choosing, of which the problem of mistakes arose. As Danny was thinking about his situation, he remembered the first time he realized his rightful status.

Danny was only five years old, and it was back in 2041. He was at a park with his mother, and the normal media and business banners advertised the latest news and technology from the UAPA. He was sliding down his favorite techslide when a young woman and two children came to the park. The woman had unusually dark skin, darker than the most tanned person in the record books, and all three of them did not have any of the newest nanoclothes that young Danny was used to. They were strange, but Danny thought it was perfectly ok for the group to be at the park. They had not done anything wrong as far as he knew, and it would be fun to play with other kids. He was always kept strictly on watch by his mother and was banned from seeing other children when he was young (he later learned that other mistakes were housed by the state and his parents had received a license to keep him under strict conditions).

Suddenly, for seemingly no reason, Danny's mother, who Danny had thought to be perfect, extremely loving and caring, lashed out at the other mother, screaming: “Why are you shitty advancers here!? Go back to your living units now, or I will call in the workering squad”.

The other mother yelled: “You have no right to disrespect us! Isn't it crazy for kids to not be able to share a playground?”.

Danny thought the young woman made sense and knew that his kind and gentle mother would let the other kids play with him. Shockingly, Danny's mother lashed out, beating the mother and kids violently. He could hear their screams and moans as police cars and workerbulances came to the scene. His mother scooped him up and they fled. It was the most horrible thing Danny had ever seen, before or since. He had just learned, nine years later, why his mother would act in this way to people who are not even mistakes (mistakes wear a tattoo saying mistake on their forehead, and the woman and kids did not have any).

His mother spoke to him when he got home: “You know that you are supposed to be like them, actually worse than them. Only me and dad's care for you has made you better that those useless pieces of trash. You should thank us very much for our extremely kind service to you. Your childhood is over, as you have been exposed. You are a mistake!”.

He had never again truly loved his parents since that day.

Chapter 2

The Perfect Society

Danny sat alone in his room, trying to hold back tears. He had turned 15 two months ago, and it was his last day of school today. Tomorrow would be the saddest day of his life, and he already knew it. He would be leaving school forever tomorrow, he would be saying goodbye to his parents for the last time tomorrow, and he would be going to the Island tomorrow. The Island, and other islands like it, were the most dreaded places to anyone in the UAPA. They were said to contain criminals, be highly overpopulated, and have no modern conveniences. Of course, everyone who stepped ashore on a housing island completely deserved it, as they were enemies of the future of the marvelous state and other states like it (which were a part of the Federation of the Earth's Advanced Races). The particular island Danny was about to go to was long ago called Nantucket, but was now officially called the Boston District Housing Island (it was usually shortened by Boston District Residents to just the Island). It was home to the people of the surrounding area who rebelled against the perfect UAPA (Who would do that?) but were gracefully pardoned by the government. It was still a place of great shame and a place with people of very low rank..

Danny had been taught that the celebs and leaders were the the most advanced people of the highest rank. The celebs were strong, dramatic, smart, and beautiful and the leaders could make tough decisions, could make the world move forward, and were the smartest people on the planet. Below them were advancers, who meant little on their own and had less than half the brain strength of higher ranks. In large numbers they did help with the advancement of society. Advancers worked in fields such as science, art, and literature and were advised by the leaders who were the heads of each of those fields. The lowest rank of people were the workers. They had extremely strong bodies and worked all but one hour every day building infrastructure, making food, and keeping society running, but were disposable because of their lack of humanity (they did not have enough brain power to qualify as humans) and their huge numbers. Becoming a worker was the worst punishment anyone could get besides death, but of course no one who became one had any worth to society. Mistakes included workers, and any mistake of an advancer household was immediately workered and had a lower status than other workers. Mistakes from celeb or leader households were held by the UAPA government or were held by the parents with strict permission (like in Danny's case).

After thinking about these great doctrines and how they were right, Danny knew that he had to get up and had to say goodbye to all he had built in the last ten years. He had to say farewell forever to the people who had helped prevent him from suffering severe bullying and depression in his school and home life in the last nine years. He had to say goodbye to Ronny. He had to say goodbye to Nina. Danny didn't know how he would cope with the loss of them.

Danny had been sent to a school for mistakes from the families of celebs and leaders. It took a thirty minute aircar ride to get from his house to the school, which was called The Learning Center for Unadvanceables. It was 700 miles away from his hometown, Beverly, in the district of Portland. He went to school for 10 hours every day, except for full-day testing every Saturday. Mistakes had to go to school longer because they had to have more time to learn the complexity of the world that would prepare them for the hardship on the different islands they would go to. The instructors, who were all low-ranking leaders, were all harsh, strict and quick to remind the mistake students of their rightful place in society. In Danny's eyes their morals were sound, and the students that did not drop out to be workered were now set for their advancement ceremonies and sendoffs to the islands.

Danny had little free time between classes that ranged from Correct Politics to Correct Science to Correct English to Correct History (the placing Correct before the subject singled out the subjects from fanaticism, conspiracy, and lies that have been made by evil humans in the past). However, Ronny and Nina were always by his side, and the three of them were the best students in their classes. They talked about the ten year-old but cool gadgets that were hand-me-downs from their better brothers and sisters, as well as their interests and views on life. The three of them were by far the best behaved in their school, and were rewarded with days off once a month for their service to it.

Danny thought about how his two best friends had navigated him through his younger years. Nina was a quiet and respectful girl that always did what she was told and worked extremely hard. She was short with medium-length brown hair, very average looking for a mistake girl. She helped Danny and Ronny on their work by keeping them on task. She lectured them about how they needed to work hard so they could survive on the islands, but was always kind, gentle, and supportive. Danny had always had a crush on her, but of course mistakes were not permitted to engage in romance. However, she was his role model and had helped him pull through to become the best member of the UAPE that a mistake could be.

Ronny could not be more different than Nina. He was tall, outspoken, athletic (mistakes could not play sports, of course, but he ran fast in Correct Fitness class), handsome for a mistake boy, and hilarious. He could not show his humor often, but of course he could not mock the great UAPA (Who would do that anyway?). Danny could remember many instances where he and Ronny joked like normal leader or celeb best pals did. In school, Ronny helped the nonathletic Danny and Nina pass Correct Fitness class. Ronny also talked to both Danny and Nina when they were going through hard times or when they were feeling depressed, and he told them to stay positive. By sticking together, Danny, Ronny, and Nina had protected themselves from the heathen mistakes that were constantly making trouble in their school. They became tolerated and even respected by their instructors.

Danny thought about how bad he would feel without his friends, and felt sad that they would have the same fate as he would. They were going to separate islands from each other and from him. Danny looked on the positive side and realized that Nina and Ronny had prepared him perfectly for his challenges on the island. They were the only people Danny felt like he truly loved, and he would pray for them every day. Now Danny had to fall asleep, he had to face the facts. Tomorrow was the day of the ceremony.

Chapter 3

The Ceremony

Even though Danny had prepared for years for this day, he was more nervous than he had ever been before. He travelled to the shore with his mistake classmates, and they said their mistake oath for the last time. He had already said his final goodbyes to his parents. He did not even hug them. There would be no need for the label of mistake, or for caregivers, on the islands the mistake students would be traveling to.

For the first time in Danny's life, he saw Nina crying. In a mess of tears she blurted out, “It's over friends. I wish you luck, we've done our best. I know...we...will...survive”.

Her voice descended into throbbing sobs that echoed through the aircar. Ronny and Danny tried to comfort her, telling her to stay brave and strong. Unfortunately, she was so upset that she had to be put to sleep for the rest of the ride. Danny and Ronny related to Nina and felt the same way she did, but their manly instinct led them to keep their feelings inside. They has to go through with this, deserved workering was ahead of them if they refused to comply.

It was a warm summer day, but Danny felt the opposite of warmness inside himself when he stepped out of the aircar for his sending off ceremony. The Boston District's Cape Shoreline was in front of him, and an old-fashioned sailboat (no UAPA technology, including aircars, were allowed on or anywhere near the islands) was ready to lead him to his terrible but deserved destination. Danny was standing alone on the sand and looked back through the aircar door. He faced a grim-faced instructor. The instructor immediately stated aloud: “Danny McBride, mistake son of our great ruling family, you have performed well in our examinations and have conformed to the Correct Teachings of the UAPA. As a mistake you are sentenced to the light punishment of a lifetime on the Boston District Housing Island. You will bow, say final goodbyes, and then leave”.

Danny bowed to the great instructor as he was told and cried out: “Bye guys, especially you Ronny. You guys who have done what is Correct and have defied your evil mistake nature mean the world to me. I wish you much luck in your future endeavors”.

The short, sad ceremony was now over, and Danny turned toward the boat. He slowly crossed the beach, not looking back. He calmly but painfully stepped on the sailboat, and let go of his previous life. The Island was ahead of him, but he had the Correct Skills to survive on it. Maybe one day, he thought, he could show, through good efforts on the Island, that a mistake has the ability to function as well as an advanced member of the UAPA. The idea was preposterous, but Danny had to hold on to hope. In his mind, he pictured success and brightness in the future. In the real world, the sky had become dark grey, and Danny had no clue what the future was to hold.

Chapter 4

A Surprising Trip

Danny was very surprised when he looked up and parted from the sorrows of what was now the worst day of his life for a fleeting moment. A young man stood in front of him, who was tall and buff but grim-faced. He growled, “Not another young one, they're so ignorant of the wrong they are doing”.

Danny didn't hear the specifics of what the young man had said because he was shocked that the words weren't monotone and computerized like most workers. He said: “You haven't been workered, how are you doing a job of this magnitude of physical difficulty”.

The young man responded, “Ha, you think workering is ok, they must of brainwashed you mighty well. I guess they did the same to me, but that was a mighty long time ago. Workering is banned where you're going son, and that's a very good thing”.

Danny could barely comprehend what he was hearing. The good thing was that he was finally meeting a older mistake. He didn't seem mean or cruel like everyone had told him, but wise and kind. He was a lunatic, though. He thought workering was bad, but workering is the backbone of a Correct Society that ran efficiently. Without workers, the island must be a chaotic mess. He drew up the courage and asked the young man in a daring voice, “What is it like on the island? I've been told by everyone on the mainland that its full of lawbreaking and chaos. I'm really scared”.

The sailor replied, “Well son, it's not all bad on the Island. There are problems, as the UAPA, your “kind” government, has released lawbreakers freely on the Island. There are parts of the place that you really should never go to. The Island, and all islands in fact, are overpopulated because of the number of deportations from the mainland. However, at the port I will drop you off, there are kind people. Freedom fighters, “outcasts” who are in reality good people, and mistakes like you and me live on the coast in the city of New Hope, which is sprawling and well-guarded. You should consider yourself lucky, as you have escaped that dreadful nation without harm.”

Danny was mad, really mad, and he screamed, “How dare you say that about the great nation! You should be punished severely!”.

The young man sighed, “I have some important points to explain to you. You, and all other mistakes, are brainwashed by the evil, and I mean evil, government of the UAPA, so you can stir up trouble on the islands”. He sounded calm, as if this was a well-known fact.

“This is treason, you need to be workered!” Danny shouted with a booming voice.

“Why can't you see the truth, why do you love these values you have been taught?” stated the calm sailor. He quietly went on with his business, and Danny was too shocked and confused to reply.

Under UAPA law he would be permitted to attack this strange man, but he was away from that place now. Anyway, the man was not being mean, and Danny thought he was in need of therapy. This man was surely not true, but if he was it would transform Danny's entire perception on life and his current situation. If any of what the sailor had said was true, Danny hoped, it must be that the Island is not as bad as the UAPA said it was. He had planned on using survival skills to be alone but stay alive on the Island, but now he thought he might be able to get allies.

While Danny was trying to comprehend what he had heard, the sailor took out an old-fashioned smartphone on the other side of the deck. He called the contact labeled the “New Hope Alliance for a New Point of View”, and the woman who answered stated,”Hi Jim, let me guess, another mistake child who's been brainwashed. It's ceremony season”.

Jim replied, “Yep, he's worse than most though. I think he may be from a very high-up family, and he probably had a better but more indoctrinated life than most mistakes”.

The woman said “Well, we'll help him. They're always free to choose their own path, but they better hear both sides of the world stage today. What's his name?”

“Danny, but they didn't tell me his last name. I've got to go, a storm is coming fast”. Jim hung up the old iPhone, and started on the work of making sure the boat reached its destination. He told Danny to go below deck, and seeing the clouds, Danny listened to him. As the thunder roared and the rain poured outside, a storm raged in Danny's mind as a new perspective was opened. Could the great UAPA really not be what he was told about for all of his young life? He remembered the incident at the park when he was five. Was what his mother did wrong? After a few years of schooling Danny had understood that his mother was just protecting him from advancers, but he still was very mad at her for ending his childhood that early. The way she and his father had treated him was more like what a guard would do than what a parent would do. The only thing Danny knew now was that he would try to find answers when he reached the Island. For now, he was scared for what he would learn. Had he wasted his first years on learning the wrong principles? Were the blacks, gays, advancers, and others he was now afraid to see on the island actually not evil? Why was he doubting his amazing, marvelous nation's integrity? He could be workered in the UAPA for saying this heresy out loud. As the boat headed into the port, Danny felt the opposite of coming ashore in his mind.

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