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What if the Nazis Won World War Two (Alternate History)

It is commonly thought that Hitler and Germany had no chance of winning World War Two. However, if Nazi leadership made some better decisions, the war could have been won by the Axis. Instead of focusing on the Soviet Union and Britain, the Nazis could have attacked the Middle East to get the oil they needed. The less advanced Arab and Turkish troops would not be hard for the advanced Nazi fighters to beat. They could have held their troops to defend the eastern and western fronts, but could keep those areas relatively peaceful (Krystek). This strategy would allow Hitler to have enough fuel to last the war and would give the Nazi scientists enough time to build weapons to destroy the Allies at the impending D-Day.

The Nazis developed a jet plane, the ME262, that could have helped them easily crush the D-Day invasion and continue their plan to conquer the world. It is known that: “Hitler and his jetties didn't grasp the tactical importance of the ME262, and never mass produced it” and “This jet aircraft could go about twice the speed as a normal Allied fighter plane. It had machine guns and a cannon in its nose.” With this superior technology, the Third Reich could have easily stopped any Allied attempts to attack. The Nazis had started their atomic program in 1938, three years before the Americans, so it is possible to assume Hitler could have used atomic bombs on Britain and the USA to end the war (Evans). These arguments are just assumptions of alternate history, but the Nazis could have won the Second Great War, and could have destroyed major British and American cities. All of Europe, the British Empire, and the Eastern USA would now be in Hitler's hands. Japan would also win in this timeline, and would conquer the western USA.

With technology and fuel at their disposal, the Nazis would defeat the USSR or force the USSR to surrender.

What would a country under Nazi control, specifically the USA, look like? For one thing, the Nazis would implement their policies against undesirables, including Jews, Blacks, homosexuals, political dissidents, and anyone else that was not in the favor of the Nazis. These groups would be slowly stripped of their rights until they would be killed or would become slave laborers to build technology for the Nazi USA (Evans). This is probable because of what the Nazis did in our timeline: “Nuremberg Laws are passed. Reich Citizenship Law deprives Jews of their citizenship. Law for the Protection of German Blood and Honor prohibits Jews from marrying non-Jews and from employing German women under the age of 45. Under its provisions, Jews are defined biologically, by "race," based on the religion of their grandparents and not by the identity they affirm or the religion they practice.” These acts are just one example of how Nazis slowly took the freedoms of the people they hated. Some form of the Nuremberg laws would be passed in a Nazi USA, and millions of innocent undesirables would most likely be killed. Germany would dominate the world stage, and would send the first man to the moon.

The Nazis would have had much technology if they won, and they would use this to spy on the people they controlled. Every piece of technology would be tapped into, including the eventual Nazi Internet. Users who did something on technology that the Nazis did not like would be sent to prison, slave labor, or their deaths. However, a government cannot stop word from spreading on the Internet easily, and videos and pictures of Nazi atrocities would spread like wildfire. People who were content with Nazi rule and saw these graphic images could become angry enough to start mass protests in America (and in other countries). The Germans would send in soldiers to brutally crush the protests, but this would just fuel the fire. Anti-fascist revolutions would spread around the world, and the Third Reich would probably come to an end (at least outside Germany) (Evans). However, the loss of human life that would result from Hitler and his possible successors would be one of the worst things the world has seen. Everyone today is grateful that this scenario of alternate history did not happen.

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