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Fake Campaign Announcement With My Political Views

Hello my fellow Americans,

Our country is at a pivotal point in its history, and needs major and REAL CHANGE to get it through this point in history safely and successfully. Our country has for too long been led by two parties, the Democrats and Republicans, who bicker and attack each other but get little done. Great improvements have to be done in this country to increase the civil rights of our country’s citizens, regardless of their race, sexual orientation, immigration status, religion, or other differentiation. Great improvements have to be done to improve our relations with other countries, and the only way this is possible is by severely limiting our military power and replacing it with diplomatic friendship and becoming a neutral nation that is involved in but does not control world affairs. This military drawback and taxes on the richest of us that don’t need all the money, or even most of the money that they have, will allow us to focus on helping the poorest and most disadvantaged Americans through our existing social programs and my new plan to give free healthcare and higher education to all Americans. The government also has to address climate change by investing in clean alternative forms of energy such as solar, wind and geothermal energy. All of this and so much more REAL CHANGE will happen under my plans, and some of it may seem even more radical that what I have said in this letter. However, I assure you that I have the interest of the common American in my heart. This is why I, Will, am declaring my candidacy for the President of the United States in 2016 as an independent.



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