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Elie Wiesel Quotes Responce

In an interview with Oprah while visiting the Auschwitz Death Camp, Elie Wiesel states: “My goal is to sensitize” and “Anger must be a catalyst.” These quotes are some good points, but they need to be interpreted correctly. In the first quote, Wiesel, a Holocaust survivor, is saying that we need to remember the atrocities as not some far away thing that does not matter, but a real event that ended or scarred the lives of countless people and brought about a huge amount of evil and suffering. We need to remember the Holocaust in this way, so a catastrophe like it will never happen again. Reading firsthand accounts like Elie's are one way to keep the memory of it alive. However, scaring people with too many gruesome images and facts at once is not the way to go about this teaching. Many people need to slowly take in the immense horror of the Holocaust.

It is very important to understand the second quote in the right way. Anger can be a catalyst for many things, both good and bad. We need to use the anger that results from seeing the Holocaust to improve our future. We must remember past suffering, but we cannot dwell on it so much that we become obsessed with it or depressed. Having violent thoughts towards the Nazis does not work because most of the people that orchestrated the Holocaust are dead. The world can use the remembrance of the Holocaust to stop oppressive governments around the world peacefully. The world should not blame modern Germans for the Holocaust as most of them are good people who were not alive or were young children during World War Two. Turning the catalyst of anger into forgiveness and change is what humans must do to make the world a better place.

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